Watch those softball and baseball games from home on the NFHS Network!
Posted Date: 02/29/2024
Fort Towson Parents, students, community members and alumni remember that Fort Towson Public Schools is streaming live all home athletic games and other events held in the gym such as the Elementary Christmas program and graduations through the NFHS Network. The link below will direct you to our NFHS network homepage for streaming. Please be sure to pay the subscription and "follow" our school so you can stay up to date on upcoming events INCLUDING baseball and softball.
*** $79.99 for the year or $11.99 a month *** ok
In an effort to again find ways to reach out to our community and to our alumni, Fort Towson Public Schools has partnered with the National Federation of High Schools Network (NFHS Network).
Getting access to the events the District is live streaming is easy and is the best way for you to find out about upcoming games and other school events. To get started, go to or download the NFHS Network app. Next, select the “Subscribe Now” button. Follow the steps to set up your account. It costs $79.99 for the year or $11.99 a month. During this registration process make sure to select your favorite school, Fort Towson High School in Fort Towson OK, because you will then receive emails and notifications each time an event is scheduled to be live streamed. Also the district receives a 10% commission on all subscriptions which will go directly back into the Schools Activity account to purchase things for our students.
Once you are all setup, your subscription will allow you to live steam any events held where there is a camera; whether it be softball games, baseball games, basketball games or things like the Elementary Christmas program, 8th grade graduation and High School graduation and, of course, next fall the Fall Fest coronation and the Veteran’s Day program. In addition with your subscription if one of our teams are playing at a school that also has the NFHS Network cameras you will be able to view those games. Then for our families out there who have family attending other schools you can also follow their school and watch their events all for one subscription price.
Our partnership with the NFHS Network is going to be a win-win for our students, the community, and our alumni who are trying to stay in touch with what we are doing.
Please go to the NFHS Network and subscribe today.
Phillip Hall, Superintendent
Fort Towson Public Schools
"Together We Can Succeed"
Office: (580) 873-2712